Taco tico wichita.ks
Taco tico wichita.ks

taco tico wichita.ks

4-602.11E4b - Equipment such as ice bins, beverage dispensers, ice makers, coffee grinders shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold (Corrected on site).4-601.11C - Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept clean.4-302.12 - Food temperature measuring devices, availability.6-501.12 - Cleaning shall be done when the least food is exposed.6-501.111C - Critical - If pests are found, use methods to control them.6-501.11 - Physical facilities, shall be maintained in good repair.6-301.12 - Handwashing facilities shall be provided with hand drying facilities.4-702.11 - Critical - Utensils and food contact surfaces of equipment shall be sanitized before use after cleaning (Corrected on site).4-602.13 - Equipment cleaning frequency, nonfood-contact surfaces.4-302.14 - Sanitizing solution, testing devices required.3-501.18A1 - Critical - Food discarded if not consumed within 7 days (Corrected on site).3-403.11A - Critical - Food reheated to 165F for 15 seconds (Corrected on site).3-304.14 - Proper storage of wet & dry wiping cloths used for wiping food spills.3-304.12 - In-Use Utensils, Between-Use Storage provisions (Corrected on site).2-102.11 - Critical - Requirements for Demonstration of Knowledge of the Person In Charge.6-202.15A1 - Outer openings, protected from entry of pests by filling holes and gaps

Taco tico wichita.ks